Smart Data means Smart Operations

Finding the vital clue to a machine problem is often like finding the needle in a haystack.
We employ data analytics based on the latest advances in machine learning and AI to mine historians of real-time process data and create algorithms that predict machine wear-and-tear or impending part failures. Alerts and insights created by these algorithms help customers make smart decisions to avoid unplanned downtime.

Let’s get started

Early Value Assesment

Quantify the benefits of your data in as little as 5 days and get a full roadmap towards making the data work for you.

Solutions for Industry 4.0

Create real-time alerts by embedding our analytics solutions into your IoT platform and maximize your equipments’ use and efficiency.

Ongoing Data Cleansing

We regularly review and fine-tune predictive algorithms as your machine fleets, data sets, and client requirements grow.

We deliver value to our customers every day

€18million annual savings

delivered to a European industrial product manufacturer

Data Science Success Story

70% downtime reduction

delivered by predicting blade wear-and-tear

Data Science Success Story

What sets our data science apart

With 20 years of experience in delivering industrial analyics applications,
we have our process down to a science.

Our proven methodology reduces risk and ensures positive outcomes.

We create algorithms that will be tuned to your machines and will be owned by you.

Our algorithms are embedded in the cloud to operate on your real-time data, creating alerts and ROI from day one.

Where needed we create custom sensor solutions for your problems.

Find out what Data Science & Engineering can do for you

See the tough technology problems that we’re solving